Making public transport more attractive
Our aim is to adapt the service to the needs of passengers as much as possible. Conventional bus lines with fixed routes and timetables often fail to offer the necessary flexibility. Via transport on demand we are able to offer connections tailored to people's immediate needs, both in terms of location and time. We can thus offer a service at marginal times, when it is no longer efficient to run a conventional bus and people are no longer able to return home by public transport.
More passengers on public transport, fewer in cars
Comfortable public transport coverage of all time periods eliminates the need to use the car, even only as a ride to the train station. If people can travel easily and comfortably by public transport even late at night or at night, they do not have to be tied to a car. Because of this, people drive to the train station even in the morning rush hour, when the roads tend to be the most crowded. Transport on demand can lead to freeing up of parking spaces and to an overall improvement of the situation around train stations. In addition, thanks to the integrated PID tariff, where the same ticket is valid on the train and in transport on demand cars, people often do not pay more than they do today.
More efficient use of public money and reduced emissions
Instead of conventional buses, vehicles for transporting up to eight people will be deployed on routes of transport on demand, which will reduce operating costs. These vehicles are also easier to maintain and more environmentally friendly due to their lower fuel consumption. And with optimised routes, we'll increase operational efficiency - serving many more people with the same number of vehicles, plus reducing journey times to their destinations.
Solving the shortage of drivers "D"
A Group B driving licence is sufficient to drive PID Haló vehicles. Reducing the requirements for drivers will help to reduce the shortage of bus drivers, which has been faced by almost all carriers for a long time, not only in the Central Bohemia Region. At the same time, we can offer work to those who were afraid to get behind the wheel of a big bus.
where to?
Innovative transport on demand project of
The Public Transport Authority of Central Bohemia Region (IDSK)
where to?
Innovative transport on demand project of
The Public Transport Authority of Central Bohemia Region (IDSK)
We operate every working day
We start after 8pm and finish with the last train before 1am.
Possibility of transfer from any train ensured.
Standard PID fare applies
One single ticket all the way from Prague or, alternatively, included in the price of your long-term coupon.
Full price starting from 20 CZK.
Order in the PID Lítačka app
1. Find your connection.
2. Click on „I want to go!“
3. Confirm the ride.
Find in Google Play and Apple App Store.
Leave your car at home and drive in peace
Use regular PID bus lines in the morning and book PID Haló service in the evening.
Don't limit yourself.
1. I order my connection
You can find transport on demand connections in any search engine. However, in the PID Lítačka application you can order the selected connection directly. Next to each connection you will find a button that will redirect you to a chatbot (virtual chat assistant) that will solve everything needed.
If you don't have a smartphone, you can call a special hotline, where a voicebot (virtual voice assistant) is available 24 hours a day to ask you all the information you need to make an order.
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2. The order is registered
Once we have all the information we need, we'll let an autonomous algorithm work to recalculate all orders and, if there's capacity, schedule your ride. All of this happens in real time.
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3. I receive a ride confirmation
The chatbot or voicebot will tell you the result of the planning and ask you to confirm the ride. If you confirm, we will save the order and you can count on your ride. You will also receive a confirmation text message.
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4. The vehicle arrives
The moment your car is about to arrive, we will send you a text message with the vehicle information. Then you just need to be at the bus stop and enjoy the ride.
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What is transport on demand?
Transport on demand is a transport concept that does not work with fixed routes, timetables or times like traditional regular services. It allows for completely dynamic routes that are tailor-made for passengers according to their demand.
Technologies play a crucial role in the whole concept. They are responsible for collecting and processing passenger enquiries and turning them into specific optimised routes, all in real time. The effective implementation of the on-demand transport concept is made possible by the development of technologies such as voicebot and chatbot services or advanced route planning algorithms based on artificial intelligence.
In practice, this may mean that services that are currently provided by standard vehicles and whose capacity is not significantly filled can be more efficiently replaced by smaller vehicles in demand mode. In the Prague Integrated Transport system, such a concept can solve several problems. In particular, it would serve selected areas in the evening or at weekends when the current service offers unattractive intervals. Demand-responsive transport can be efficiently implemented with smaller vehicles, allowing the use of drivers with B driving licences instead of D, of which there is a long-term shortage on the labour market. Intelligent planning also provides the opportunity to spend public transport funding more efficiently.

classic transport

transport on demand

Expansion of operations
The area around Český Brod has been selected for the pilot project, where evening transport on demand service with low-capacity vehicles will be implemented to complement the current offer of transport, with last services around 8 pm on weekdays already. The main function of the transport on demand service within this pilot project will be the connection to S1 line trains from Prague and to provide a follow-up service in the proximity of Český Brod. Two vehicles will be deployed to respond flexibly to current demand.
Starting from 3 February 2025, four vehicles will be deployed to respond to the current demand in a flexible way. The service area will be extended to include the area of following municipalities: Borek, Dobré Pole, Hřiby, Chotouň, Chotýš, Kouřim, Království, Kšely, Lipany, Močedník, Mrzky, Nová Ves II, Skramníky, Třebovle, Vitice.